2024 Caucus | Tuesday Feb. 27 @ 7pm

Caucus is the entry point into Republican Party leadership and stewardship. The Party starts with you.

It's Time to Get Ready for the 2024 Caucus!

Every two years the Republican Party recreates itself beginning with Caucus. Those that attend caucus elect the precinct and ward officers, and delegates to the Minneapolis Republican Party, Congressional District 5 and State Party conventions.
Precinct delegates are the trustees of the party. They choose delegates to other conventions, endorse candidates and decide issues. Precinct officers connect with supporters and work with candidates. This is the true grassroots origination point. You work with your Republican neighbors on local and state issues, have your voice heard and influence the direction of the party.

What Happens at Caucus

Attendees are seated with their precinct. A precinct is the geographical area that shares one polling location, it is the smallest political unit and there are 137 of them in Minneapolis. Your precinct will elect its own leadership. You will also elect your delegation to the District Convention, where you will choose candidates and elect delegates to the Congressional District 5 and State Republican Conventions. The Congressional Convention elects delegates to the RNC National Convention in Milwaukee.

Become a Ward or Precinct Chair 

It’s fun, interesting, and real-world civics. You get to meet fellow Republicans in your neighborhood, learn how the system works and have an active role in the direction of the party. It’s a quiet, non-confrontational role; you are not a public candidate, just someone helping build the party. We will provide leadership guidance and training, but you get to make it your own. A Republic is defined by its representatives, this is your opportunity to discover and experience real-world leadership on a manageable scale.
  • A Precinct Chair represents their Precinct in Ward Meetings, Conventions and Campaigns
  • A Ward Chair represents their Ward in District Meetings, Conventions and Campaigns
  • The time commitment is up to you: from attending occasional meetings to organizing activists and helping candidates connect with your neighbors.

If you are interested in running for Ward Chair, you must contact us by Feb. 12, 2024. Nominations from the floor at Caucus will not be allowed. If you are unable to attend Caucus, you may still run for Ward chair and have someone speak for you in your absence.

If you are unable to attend caucus, but would like to run for delegate, please download this form and email to [email protected] 


Caucus Locations

You can look up your Precinct Caucus Location at the Minnesota Secretary of State Caucus Finder. Minneapolis precincts have two numbers, the first number is your Ward. Example: W-13 P-3 is in Ward 13. Caucus locations are listed by ward below. It will be helpful if know your precinct number when you attend Caucus, but we will have volunteers and maps to help you.

Wards 1, 2 and 3: Northeast Middle School, 2955 Hayes St. NE, Minneapolis 55418
Please use the Southern entrance marked “4”  

Wards 4, 5 and 6: Bryn Mawr Elementary School, 252 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis 55405
There are two schools, please use the Northern entrance, to the right from the parking lot.

Wards 7, 10 and 13: Burroughs Elementary School, 1601 W. 50th St., Minneapolis 55419

Wards 8, 9, 11 and 12: Roosevelt High School, 4029 28th Ave. S., Minneapolis 55406
Please use the Western Entrance on 28th, across from the library.


Minneapolis Republican Party Caucus Call 2024

The Minneapolis Republican Party Executive Committee, including the Senate District Chairs and BPOU Chair Shawn Holster, hereby issue the 2024 Republican Caucus Call on January 20, 2024.

The Minneapolis Republican Party will convene all precinct caucuses by Ward at 7:00pm, February 27, 2024.

Caucus business to be conducted:
  • Elect Caucus Conveners & Secretaries
  • Elect Precinct Officers
  • Elect Delegates to the SD/BPOU Convention; the number of delegates elected by each precinct varies from 1-4; a total of 207 delegates will be elected in Minneapolis.
  • Elect Ward Chairs
  • Party Platform Resolutions
  • Discuss Local Issues
This call is issued in accordance with MN Statute 202A.14 The officers and delegates elected by the caucus will be recorded caucus night. Officers elected at the 2022 Caucus shall be recognized at the 2024 Caucus.
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