Freedom Isn't Free

The Minneapolis Republican Party is run entirely by volunteers, but we do have expenses! Help us bring back responsible government and individual freedom to Minneapolis residents and business owners by making a contribution today.

How Your Contribution Helps

Funds we collect help support:

  • Get Out the Vote (GOTV) efforts
  • Volunteer training
  • Supporting local and statewide candidates
  • Educational programming
  • Community Events
  • Conventions and Caucuses
  • Communications to keep you informed
  • And more!

Through the state of Minnesota’s Political Contribution Refund (PCR) program, you have the opportunity to contribute $75 as an individual or $150 as a married couple to the Minneapolis Republican Party each year, and your contribution will be reimbursed dollar-for-dollar in six to eight weeks.

Please help us take advantage of the PCR program and support Republican efforts in Minneapolis (see instructions below).

Your contributions are greatly appreciated!


Contribution Steps


Donate via Check

Make checks payable to Minneapolis Republican Party and mail to:
P.O. Box 19524
Minneapolis, MN 55419

– OR –
Donate Online


Complete Your PCR Form

After we receive your contribution, our Secretary will mail you a receipt and refund form provided by the MN Department of Revenue.


Mail Your PCR Form

Complete the form (it only takes about 2 minutes) and mail it to the MN Department of Revenue.


Receive Your Refund!

The State of Minnesota will mail you a check or initiate a direct deposit fully refunding your contributions in approximately four to six weeks.

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