2023 Rock'n Barbecue & Open House

We’re having our first fundraiser! Join us on Saturday, Sept. 30, 2023 in Minneapolis for food, music, conversation and fun!

Tickets are only $25 with mail-in rebate.*

Featuring Dr. Scott Jensen • Jenna Dicks (MNGOP Secretary) • State Sen. Cal Bahr • Special Guest, Dalia al-Aqidi (Newly announced challenger to Ilhan Omar)

Dr. Scott Jensen, former state senator and Minnesota gubernatorial candidate
Jenna Dicks, MNGOP Secretary
Cal Bahr, Minneosta state senator
Photo of Dalia al-Aqidi

*The first $50 of your ticket price is eligible for a refund through the Political Contribution Refund (PCR) program. You must buy your ticket through the links on this page. Learn more about the PCR program here.

Also, Elephant in the Room, the timeless rock band featuring Mitch Berg of the Northern Alliance Radio Network!

Tickets are only $25 with mail-in rebate!*


925 N. Washington Ave. | Minneapolis, MN 55401

  • Starts at 5:00 pm
  • Band starts at 7:00 pm
  • $75
  • Catered by MJ Barbecue: awesome barbecue beef, pork, chicken, and vegan options too!
  • Includes one drink ticket (beer and wine only)
  • Cash-only bar available (credit cards will NOT be accepted)
  • Parking – public parking ramp across Washington Ave.
In March 2023, all 5 Senate District BPOUs and the Minneapolis City Republican Committee were dissolved and Minneapolis was united as one singular political organization for the first time ever. Come meet the new leadership and help us launch the Minneapolis Renaissance!
*The first $50 of your ticket price is eligible for the Political Contribution Refund (PCR). Learn more here. Receipts will be mailed out after the event.

925 Washington Bar

Why Are We Doing This?

60 years of exclusive DFL governance has rendered Minneapolis a model of systemic failure in public safety, education, and economic development. We have deep issues of systemic dysfunction in Minneapolis. Distorted interpretations and applications of social and restorative justice, of fairness and equity, have led to policies that have created conditions of sustained dependency and managed destitution. Minnesota was known for its high-quality education, now our public schools have the nation’s worst achievement gap. We are experiencing crisis levels of addiction and homelessness, rampant violent and property crime, boarded up storefronts. The combination of these failures in public safety and health along with a hostile tax and regulatory environment has destroyed or driven out small businesses and the other engines of prosperity that drive our local and state economy.
Other great cities, such as San Francisco, Seattle, and our sister to the west, Portland, have all fallen into this cycle of incompetence and denial. Public relations initiatives and endless focus groups cannot diminish reality. We know what’s wrong with our city, we know what has to change. 

Why Now?

The New Minneapolis Republican Party was formed just this year. After a decade of planning, changing the state party constitution and the dissolution of six political organizations, it is now an independent, unified voice for accountability and transformation. It’s time for an intervention, and getting Minneapolis back on track will take great effort. This requires a headquarters — a functional space for volunteers, organizations and new leaders to meet, gather resources, train and work together toward our common goal.

A headquarters offers a place for:
  • Candidate support
  • Training for new candidates at every level across the metro
  • Volunteer organization and operations
  • Events
  • Fundraising
  • Issue-specific education
  • And more!

A Union Hall, if you will. Voters, volunteers, and supporters need confidence that their time, money, and efforts create a sustained presence that outlives election cycles.

Why Should You Participate?

There are no electoral “off-years” in Minneapolis. There is always an election to be run and supported — every year — on one level or another. A sustained, focused, continuous effort and organization is required on the local level. The job of a local political organization is direct voter engagement and assisting candidates in developing relationships with individual voters.
We need a physical presence, a physical product, a physical community to be part of and contribute to:
  • A business office
  • A conference room
  • A meeting hall
  • A gathering space
  • A point of convergence for our party operations to build relationships and partnerships with outside organizations
  • A place for affiliates and allies to gather and create lasting relationships
The effort to build a viable election operations structure and bench to draw from is going to take time, effort, and money. This isn’t going to happen overnight, or be done by anyone else, and it won’t be free. An investment in the new Minneapolis Republican Party is just that — an investment. An investment in an electoral and fundraising machine with no off switch. Join us!
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