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In Case You Missed It!

On Friday, April 12, 2024, Minneapolis Republican Party (MRP) Chair Shawn Holster appeared on the Garage Logic podcast with Joe Soucheray. He discussed what he calls the “managed decline” of Minneapolis, and how the MRP plans to combat it.

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Minneapolis Mayor & City Council Election

Nov. 4, 2025

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MNGOP Election Judge Deadline Extended!

The MNGOP was able to extend the April 15 deadline for signing up election judges to April 21. If you have not yet signed up, please do so ASAP here. State law requires that county and city election officials select names for election judges off the major party lists first, then choose or recruit other people once the names on the list are exhausted. Help protect the vote by signing up today!

NOTE: You may still sign up independently of the MNGOP after this date.

Minneapolis Police Chief's Community BBQ

The Minneapolis Police Chief holds Community BBQ events in each precinct area throughout the year. The next one is Tuesday, April 23 from 5pm – 7pm at Sabathani Community Center, 310 E. 38th St., Minneapolis.

  • Meet officers and professional staff from special units throughout MPD

  • There will be food and activities

  • This event is family-friendly

This is a great opportunity to meet, and show support for, our local law enforcement. Learn more here.

We are a citywide organization comprised of Senate Districts 59, 60, 61, 62 and 63, and the former Minneapolis City Republican Committee (MCRC).

On March 25, 2023, the five Minneapolis Republican senate district organizations voted unanimously to disband and become one citywide organization. This monumental task, envisioned over a decade ago, began to take form with us successfully amending the state party constitution at the 2022 State Convention. Subsequently, CD5 disbanded MCRC, the subcommittee that managed Minneapolis municipal elections. The unification of these six organizations brings a focus we’ve never had. 

For the first time in generations, the city of Minneapolis has a single gathering place for those who want to protect their homes, families and livelihoods from the destructive consequences brought on by the DFL. We are unique by design, created by local Minneapolis volunteers. This new Minneapolis Republican Party can be your voice and the beginning of our city’s recovery.

Become a Volunteer

Tell us about your skills and interests and we'll get you plugged in to the right place so you can help Republican efforts in Minneapolis.

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Your contribution helps support Republican efforts in Minneapolis.

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Minneapolis Mayor & City Council Election

Nov. 4, 2025

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